Friday, June 12, 2009

Ponderings with photos

I love this photo of Gary and I holding hands! A joining as a team; working on things together; solidarity; commitment; unity; LOVE!
Chloe and Saraya set up and enjoyed a tea party under the poinciana tree in or front yard - the delicasies were coered at this stage were covered with a tablecloth due to inclement weather but "the show must go on" ; complete with a very large umbrella as the rain came down heavier:)
This is my suddenly mature 8 year-old; I have so much more respect for Chloe and her personality and faith and courage since we went through the hospital dental operation - God certainly walked through with both of us and I think we're closer because of it:)

This photo was tken on Mothers' Day at Queen's Park.

Pop-Bruce recently introduced Chloe and Declan to the wonders of carpentry (with the hot glue gun, paddlepop sticks, coping saw and other assorted goodies) and a simple power drill (shown here taking apart a dvd player - and then reassembling it after looking at the tiny components). Thank-you so much Pop-Bruce:)
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