Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The simple pleasure of drinking water from a beautiful, lady-like glass! I don't know what reminder techniques others use to help them to keep up their fluid intake, but this is mine; it's become a real association- I never drink anything else from it and I don't let anyone else use it; perhaps that's a bit immature or selfish but it really is a simple pleasure!!
There's something incredibly satisfying about cannisters, isn't there!
I've started baking fruit cakes for lunchboxes (at Chloe's request) and the brown paper in this tin brings back fond memories of my Nanna's baking, too:)

Speaking of simple blessings: a drawer full and overflowing with fresh fruit and vegies from Market day causes me to feel I'm doing a rewarding thing for my family when I go to the markets before school rain, hail or shine or billowing gales!! I love Thursdays!! I try to cook/bake on Thursdays, too, when everything's fresh and then pop prepared meals or part thereof into the freezer until I need them! No wonder Declan loves to "help make" -we do a lot of cooking together and he's really quite skilled, now, at pouring, sifting, mixing (gently Bentley!!:))

1 comment:

Tamra said...

all those fresh fruit and vege look lovely Cathy. And I too find a nice glass to be a good reminder to drink water. I love your jars. i've started collecting canning type jars to keep my pantry staples.

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