A - apple bobbing
- aeroplane construction
B - backyard camping - this Sunday, weather permitting!
- beach
C - Christmas carols
- Christmas craft
D - Daddy Park (Ululah)
- decorate Christmas tree
E - egg and spoon race
- experiments
F - feed ducks
G - gingerbread house
- games
- glitter art
H - hand prints
- Hervey Bay water park
- Hervey Bay Aquatic Centre
I - ice-block making
- ice-cream sundaes
- ice biscuits
J - jump on the trampoline
K - kite-flying
L - looking at toy shops
M - marbles
N - Nanna fun
- nature reserve
- nailpolish
O - organise school supplies
P - painting
- printing
- puzzles
- puddle play
Q - quiet play while Mummy, Daddy and Laura sleep - this idea submitted by Mummy!
R - robot-making
- ride bikes
S - stained glass windows
- secret message writing with lemon juice
- swimming
- spotlight game
- scooters in Queen's Park
T - toast marshmallows
U - umbrella walk (with Mummy)
V - visit friends
W - what's missing? game
X - xray making
Y - yoghurt (frozen)
Z - Zzzzz (sleepover)
Ooooh Baby.....
They tell me that getting old is only relevant to how old you feel. Pffft
whatever. I currently feel about 75 but that could be because I stayed up
most of...
3 years ago